hi. i’m pablo.
journalist, photographer, videomaker & phd researcher on communications.

a summary about me.

(subject to eternal changes)

I have a degree in Journalism at Estacio University and have a Postgraduate (2015), Master's (2020) and Doctorate (2025) in Communication at PUC-Rio. My research areas are mainly Image, Visual Culture, Digital Narratives and New Technologies. In addition to these, I tend to keep reading and actively searching for Art, Fiction, Autobiography, Archive, Representations, Social Networks, Consumption, Cities and Videogames. With a multidisciplinary approach, I always engage in intersections with Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Cinema, Psychology and Architecture and Urbanism.

Since 2019 I have been a university professor in several explorations in the area of Communication, ranging from Journalism and

Advertising to Montage, Audiovisual and Multimedia Production. I worked as a reporter for the main newspapers in Rio de Janeiro: O Dia, Extra and Infoglobo. I was a Press Officer, Writer, Content Manager, Digital Marketing Project Manager, Video Director, Creative and Innovation Director. Photographer and Videomaker since 2007. Today, I am an enthusiast of curiosity, knowledge, dialogue and life - and that's enough for me.

I'm Brazilian, born in 1989 and raised in Rio de Janeiro (aka the Best Place in the World). Son of Angela and Alfredo. Carolina's husband. Brother of a total of five + two major friends. Uncle of seven (now grown) children. In love with Mangueira, Flamengo, roda de samba, long walks, reading, writing and contemplating.

this is so weird.
i love it. let’s go.

This is a place I built so I can present myself in a clear, objective but also intimate way. As social media platforms thrive, I feel the need to express myself in a personal and free format - beyond a feed, stories or whatever.

Since my whole life is a mix of Communications and Art, especially on visual media, the website thing should be a cool place to start. As an academic researcher and also professor, I feel compeled to keep my writing. So there’s a blog here, in which I’ll dwelve to produce fun and interesting stuff - mostly because I enjoy and have fun doing it.

I came from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I’m presenting the whole website in English as a way to practice and amplify my works. But there’s a word we use back home as a self encouragement - which I’ll use it here so I can keep writing and moving forward: vambora!